15 January 2010

Feeling Crafty.

Well, artsy-crafty, not scheming-crafty.
I was finally able to use the sewing book that Lynsey got me for Christmas! I decided to make a couple bibs for my master teacher, since she has been wonderful and helpful while I've been in her classroom, and I won't be around when she has her baby in May.
They were simple, cute little bibs made with cotton for the front and soft cotton flannel on the back. Since she is a big USC fan, I made a USC bib, and since she (and I) went to Biola, I also made a Biola bib.

USC Bib...

Biola Bib...
For the Biola one, I used white muslin and stamps to make the "Biola" label, sewed on with a zigzag stitch.

And, they have little nifty snaps!


  1. i am shocked that you couldn't find Biola fabric at the store... its such a popular school! haha

  2. I know! I even asked the lady if they had some, as a joke. she actually checked for me. haha.
